Thu.Apr 04, 2024

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Embracing emotional intelligence in HR: A guide for leaders


Talk of emotional intelligence, or EQ, and its importance for business success has been around for years, but some leaders still think it is touchy-feely nonsense. The problem with this train of thought? Nothing could be further from the truth. EQ can actually make or break a person’s career, and that means every leader needs to be smart about emotional intelligence.

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Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon Ever


Discover the trends and challenges discussed at KubeCon + CloudNative Con Europe 2024. The post Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon Ever appeared first on Spiceworks.


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The critical role of commodity trading in times of uncertainty


As increased commodity trading value pools attract new competition, successful players will differentiate by managing illiquid risks and embracing data-driven trading models.

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FBI’s Ransomware Insights: Lessons from the $60 Million Impact


As ransomware is becoming smarter and faster, how can organizations bolster their defenses to better perceive and respond to cyber attacks. The post FBI’s Ransomware Insights: Lessons from the $60 Million Impact appeared first on Spiceworks.

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Members only: Delivering greater value through loyalty and pricing


Consumer-facing businesses have an opportunity to unlock holistic value. By better integrating their loyalty programs with pricing strategies, they can drive growth in a muddled economic landscape.

Sales 134
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A just in time lesson about office design

Workplace Insight

The nascent years of new ways of working in the late 80s and early 90s coincided with a widely held but soon to be discarded belief that the Japanese had cracked management practices. So it was perhaps inevitable that the principles of a process called just in time manufacturing – most famously applied in the factories of Toyota – should migrate to new forms of office design and the rapidly developing practice of flexible working.

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AT&T Faces Class Action Lawsuits Over Data Leak of Over 70 Million Customers


Communications giant AT&T is facing class-action lawsuits over allegations of ignoring a data breach that exposed over 70 million customers. Find out about the incident and the threat it presents to customers. The post AT&T Faces Class Action Lawsuits Over Data Leak of Over 70 Million Customers appeared first on Spiceworks.

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Ensuring the financial sustainability of academic medical centers


In response to financial pressures, academic medical centers are pursuing efforts to improve their near-term fiscal health. Clinician engagement is crucial to longer-term success.

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Business leaders and employees are not on the same page when it comes to productivity

Workplace Insight

A new poll of 2,000 people suggests that while 90 percent of business leaders think their performance management process is a success, only 55 percent of employees agree with them. According to the State of Performance Enablement report from Betterworks, there are significant disconnects between how organisational leaders and their employees and managers view their ability to perform optimally and maximise productivity.

Coaching 110
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The state of cloud computing in Europe: Increasing adoption, low returns, huge potential


Overcoming the challenges to capturing cloud value, particularly those that are unique to European companies, requires a five-pronged strategy.

Computer 136
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Major Apple and Meta Services Hit by Global Outages


Several key Apple and Meta services were impacted by a global outage on Wednesday. Find out more about the extent of the disruption and its impact on users. The post Major Apple and Meta Services Hit by Global Outages appeared first on Spiceworks.

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Vital signs: Emergency medicine for distressed manufacturing sites


At some factories, underperformance isn’t just financial—it may also threaten safety, quality, or the environment. An unconventional improvement approach can help these sites regain health and vitality.

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AI can help people deal with burnout, say HR managers

Workplace Insight

A new report from Sage claims that HR professionals now welcome AI to ease the burden of admin jobs, take away time consuming tasks, and, ultimately, ease burnout. The annual report, titled ‘The Changing Face of HR’ [registration], surveyed over 1,000 HR leaders across a range of sectors and countries, finding that 77 percent believe AI has the potential to revolutionise ways of working within their company.

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Playing offense: Industrials staying ahead in the energy transition


By upgrading their energy strategies, industrials can reduce energy costs, accommodate market volatility, and achieve ambitious decarbonization targets—here’s how.

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University as a Workplace: Rethinking Spaces for Students and Staff


Higher education organizations are not only places of learning, but also busy workplaces for students and staff alike. But what sets them apart, and how can we maintain their uniqueness while maximizing their potential?

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Creating Value Beyond the Hype | No. 174


Sharpen your problem-solving skills the McKinsey way, with our weekly crossword. Each puzzle is created with the McKinsey audience in mind, and includes a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) business theme for you to find. Answers that are directionally correct may not cut it if you’re looking for a quick win.

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Can employee ownership improve capitalism?

Work Life

In the United States, we could live in a time of plenty. Capitalism has the capacity to produce more than enough of life’s necessities—such as food, water, and shelter. And over the past several decades capitalism has produced technological innovations that have raised living standards for millions of people. And yet, there is a glaring problem with capitalism: inequality.

Finance 84
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Business news to watch in 2024


As economies in Asia evolve in 2024, they have the potential to shape the next normal. We talk to business media leaders about their views on the year that was and the year ahead.

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How to Create High Volume Email in Exchange Online


For years, organizations using Microsoft 365 have surpassed the bulk email limits by using third-party solutions or on-premises servers. The reason? Using Exchange Online to send higher volumes of email often resulted in throttled user accounts, interrupting mail flow. Microsoft has made it clear that Exchange Online imposes outbound limits and is not designed for bulk emailing services.

Mailing 81
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How price transparency could affect US healthcare markets


Price transparency is one of several industry innovations that is increasing the potential for consumerism in US healthcare.

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What do you say when you just don’t know the answer in a job interview?

Work Life

No matter what, job interviews can be stressful. Even after researching the company , practicing answers to common questions , and rehearsing aloud , it’s normal to feel apprehensive about what the interviewer will ask you. What happens if you get asked a question and you don’t know the answer? Should you admit you don’t know or attempt your best guess?

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Addressing continued turbulence: The commercial-aerospace supply chain


A new, comprehensive supply-chain-management approach can help aerospace companies eliminate many of the disruptions that are contributing to a record-high aircraft order backlog.

Supplies 101
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4 ways to make more effective decisions

Work Life

Our careers are made up of millions of decisions. Because of this, the number-one habit of successful people is that they make good decisions. And once they make a decision, they don’t spend time worrying about whether the decision is right or wrong. Successful people deal with the consequences of their decisions as they arise and continue moving. Yes, inevitably they might make some “wrong” decisions, but that’s par for the course of progress and growth.

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Navigating unknowns: Auto insurance questions in a new mobility era


Technology disruptions are reshaping mobility solutions. Will mobility insurance see a meteoric transformation?

Insurance 120
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A haters’ guide to loving the office

Work Life

Many of us hate going into the office. Some workers are even choosing to quit their in-office jobs rather than spend time there. But I think this is a mistake because hybrid work is here to stay. While we may love our days working from home, it is also possible to appreciate working in an office part of the time as well. Truth be told, there are many meaningful benefits to love about working from an office: It can help you feel connected with your coworkers, also help you grow your career, and f

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Impacting audiences across the globe: CEO Excellence revisited


In this final retrospective, McKinsey senior partners and best-selling authors share insights from their book, discuss the “life cycle of a CEO,” and talk about developments in their ongoing research.

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How business services companies are helping their clients become more efficient

Work Life

Optimal efficiency has surely been the holy grail of human enterprise for as long as people have been trying to stretch a bushel of corn to feed their clan. Now, nearly three centuries after Benjamin Franklin popularized the phrase “time is money,” businesses have an arsenal of tools America’s founding aphorist could not have possibly imagined. All of the companies recognized in the business services category of this year’s Most Innovative Companies program aim to amplify the success of their cl

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What’s Next to Be Your Best? 3 Personal and Professional Development Trends in 2024


Not only do personal and professional development opportunities provide key benefits to employees—like learning new skills, boosting confidence and credibility, developing leadership skills and increasing earning potential—but employers greatly benefit too. In fact, 94% of employees have reported they would stay longer at a company that invested in training and development.

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How do I make up for lack of experience on my résumé?

Work Life

Welcome to “Pressing Questions,” Fast Company ‘s mini-advice column. Every week, deputy editor Kathleen Davis, host of The New Way We Work podcast, will answer the biggest and most pressing workplace questions. How do I make up for lack of experience on my résumé? It feels like the biggest catch-22 of the working world: You can’t get a job without experience, but you can’t get experience without a job.

Banking 72
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The NHS staff survey results around speaking up and respect

Work in Confidence

Applying learnings to drive improvements The 2023/24 NHS Staff survey results were published in March. Over 1.4 million NHS staff in England were invited to participate in Q4 2023. With a response rate nearing 50%, the survey gives a good insight into the NHS staff experiences. Across several areas things appear to be nudging in the right direction, showing an overall improvement in staff experience and staff engagement.

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California fast-food workers will now make $20 an hour

Work Life

Starting today, fast-food workers across California will see their wages increase to a minimum of $20 an hour. The new hourly rate, which follows a law that was enacted last fall, is a significant step up from the statewide minimum wage of $16 an hour. With this raise, about half a million workers in California will now earn more than minimum wage workers in nearly any other part of the country (with the exception of a city in Washington State where the minimum wage just crossed $20).

Food 62
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Los Angeles Celebrity Stylist Kim Apodaca Reveals How to Dress Well for Zoom Calls


In March 2020, we learned how to dress for Zoom calls from the shoulders up. In June 2020, we learned to morph a sweats uniform into summer work-casual athleisure, and in June 2021, we finally gave away most of those stuffy, in-person business suits. Now, four years after the pandemic changed how we work and dress, many people know whether they might be remote or hybrid workers—at least for the foreseeable future.

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How to take a working vacation that won’t burn you out

Work Life

Last month my wife and I attempted our first workcation , and it couldn’t have gone much better. The planning began with a casual conversation last spring, following a long cold winter that was devoid of vacation because my wife didn’t have the days off to spare. After that experience we vowed to find a way to escape the winter blues this year, even if it meant doing so without taking vacation days.

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Confidential Engineering Office – Kirkland

Office Snapshots

Burgess Design worked with the client to relocate their US Headquarters from San Jose, CA to Kirkland, WA. This was a unique and challenging project due to the client’s request to incorporate the tenets of Feng Shui within the design and by working with their Feng Shui consultant. To successfully deliver a final product, Burgess’ team sought to understand these tenets and to develop a comprehensive solution that aligned with the client’s end goals.