Tue.Feb 27, 2024

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Embracing older workers: A hiring pool of experience and expertise


In the landscape of the American workforce, a remarkable shift is underway. Older workers, individuals aged 65 and older, are emerging as one of the fastest-growing segments of the workforce. Contrary to conventional retirement norms, age 65 no longer signifies an automatic exit from professional life for many Americans. Instead, seniors are choosing to remain engaged, contributing their wealth of experience, expertise and wisdom to various industries and organizations.

Equipment 227
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Why Prioritizing Human Element is Crucial for Smart Manufacturing


Discover why prioritizing workers is key to success in adopting Industry 4.0 technologies. The post Why Prioritizing Human Element is Crucial for Smart Manufacturing appeared first on Spiceworks.


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Strengthening fraying ties: The Global Cooperation Barometer 2024


Global cooperation is key to better human lives. Our new barometer, developed with the World Economic Forum, can help leaders track trends, monitor critical outcomes, and act to increase cooperation.

Finance 141
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SubdoMailing Exposé: Massive Domain Hijacking Campaign Used for Ad Fraud, Malvertising, Phishing Emails


Researchers at Guardio Labs have discovered a massive email ad fraud campaign based on thousands of hijacked domains and subdomains. Threat actors are carrying out SPF-hijacking to bypass spam security by leveraging legitimate domains to send millions of emails for malvertising and click scams for at least 16 months. The post SubdoMailing Exposé: Massive Domain Hijacking Campaign Used for Ad Fraud, Malvertising, Phishing Emails appeared first on Spiceworks.

Security 192
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Common Side Effects Leading to Antidepressant Discontinuation

Mad in America

A new article published in the Annals of General Psychiatry finds that the most common side effects associated with initiating antidepressant discontinuation are anxiety, agitation, suicidal thoughts, vomiting, and rashes. The current research, headed by Luis M. Garcia-Marin of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, additionally finds that service users with ADHD and PTSD diagnoses were more likely to discontinue antidepressants while those with higher educational attainment were less li

Reporting 129
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DIY AI Models vs. Pre-Made Solutions: A Guide To AI Integration


Find out why it is a crucial decision for IT leaders whether to craft a customized AI model or opt for a pre-made solution. The post DIY AI Models vs. Pre-Made Solutions: A Guide To AI Integration appeared first on Spiceworks.


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High-Performers and Women Are at a High Risk of Quitting Due To Strict RTO Mandates


Organizations are increasingly mandating their employees to return to the office. However, according to Gartner’s recent study, they risk losing high-performers and female employees. Check out the study’s insights in detail. The post High-Performers and Women Are at a High Risk of Quitting Due To Strict RTO Mandates appeared first on Spiceworks.

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For Jamie Kern Lima, Unlocking Success Starts with Embracing Self-Worth


In a world inundated with self-help books and influencers posing as online therapists, Jamie Kern Lima is a beacon of authenticity and wisdom. Best known as a motivational speaker, author and personal development mentor , Lima is not just another success story; she is a testament to the transformative power of self-worth. Lima understands the pressures women face in a society that often values appearance over substance.

Mentoring 115
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MLOps Tools Compared: MLflow vs. ClearML—Which One Is Right for You?


An MLOps tool helps automate the deployment, monitoring, and management of machine learning models. MLflow and ClearML are two popular MLOps tools. Check out how they compare with each other in this article. The post MLOps Tools Compared: MLflow vs. ClearML—Which One Is Right for You? appeared first on Spiceworks.

Learning 103
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Winning in the European automotive industry: A micromarket approach


The automotive ecosystem will become more competitive. Micromarket insights that allow automotive players in Europe to sharpen and tailor their strategies can be a competitive advantage.

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The Integration of Peer Support Principles in Community Mental Health Policy and Practice: Toward Epistemic Humility

Mad in America

I t is well-known that the mental health system has its fractures and inadequacies. This was true before COVID-19 and grew markedly when the virus took over and drained already-exhausted health care organizations. To resolve some of these decades-long disruptions and to attend to health care disparities, progressive mental health agencies have been pushing for more equitable and inclusive approaches to mental wellness.

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The McKinsey Crossword: Leap Day Babies | No. 169


Sharpen your problem-solving skills the McKinsey way, with our weekly crossword. Each puzzle is created with the McKinsey audience in mind, and includes a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) business theme for you to find. Answers that are directionally correct may not cut it if you’re looking for a quick win.

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Organizations Risk Losing High-Performers and Women Due To Strict RTO Mandates


Organizations are increasingly mandating their employees to return to the office. However, according to Gartner’s recent study, they risk losing high-performers and female employees. Check out the study’s insights in detail. The post Organizations Risk Losing High-Performers and Women Due To Strict RTO Mandates appeared first on Spiceworks.

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Modern Workspace Management Tech: Going Beyond Room Reservations


In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the management of workspace has transcended mere room reservations. According to Verdantix Buyer’s Guide: Space And Workplace Management Solutions (2024) , contemporary workspace software solutions offer a multifaceted approach that extends far beyond traditional space monitoring and booking tools. Today's leading-edge technologies redefine the boundaries of workspace management, offering a comprehensive array of functionalities aimed at optimizing no

Software 105
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Luxury retail is about ‘emotions, not transactions’


The physical shopping experience matters more than ever, says Value Retail founder Scott Malkin, whose company owns some of the world’s best-performing luxury shopping destinations.

Retail 111
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10 Data-Driven Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover


Employee turnover is a continual challenge across industries, as more than 3.4 million people – or an average of 2.2% of the labor force – quit their jobs every month ( Bureau of Labor Statistics ). Moreover, a LinkedIn survey revealed that a whopping 85% of employees are considering leaving their jobs in 2024, representing a 27% increase over 2023.

Coaching 103
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Running My First Marathon Taught Me About The Power of Community


For most of my short running career, my running experiences had been solitary. While I’d heard other runners wax poetic about run clubs, I’d never joined one myself. Not only that, but I’d run less than a dozen runs with others. On all those solo runs, I ran mostly as a way to quiet the voices in my head, to find peace of mind as I wore my body down, to build resilience.

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Promote the Organization to Increase Employee Commitment

I/O at Work

New research explains why it is important for organizations to have leaders who promote the organization and its culture. Ultimately, it can lead to increased employee commitment and decreased turnover.

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Accelerating diversity in clinical trials


Experts from across the healthcare ecosystem discuss insights, actions, and imperatives for better representation in clinical trials.

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5 Best Relationship Podcasts for Work, Romance and Everything in Between


Your morning workout, a long drive and unloading the dishwasher—avid podcast listeners know these stretches of time are opportunities to fill your earbuds with everything from TV show recaps to daily news roundups. But podcasts can also allow you to listen and think about growing and deepening the relationships in your life. You’ll find a lot of variety in this category: There are podcasts focused on romantic relationships, from finding a partner to strengthening your connection with one, as wel

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Prison Is Even Worse When You Have a Disability Like Autism

Mad in America

From The Marshall Project : “The prison environment—with its loud, unpredictable noises, bright lights, unpleasant odors, complicated social dynamics and often byzantine bureaucracy—would be difficult for anyone to navigate, but experts say that it’s particularly challenging for autistic people and people with similar disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act—signed into law 30 years ago this summer—mandates that people with physical and developmental disorders receive equal acces

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Planet Offices – London

Office Snapshots

Planet are a leader in connected commerce, embarked on a transformative project to revolutionise their financial services office space in the heart of London. Faced with the challenge of creating a workspace that would draw staff to the office and foster collaboration, the aim was to step away from traditional office concepts and introduce an element of fun and innovation into the workday.

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False friends or good ends? The CIO’s four-point guide to navigating technology trends


Not all tech trends are created equal. Keeping a clear eye on what matters can help steer to better decisions.

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4 ways business schools can prepare students to work in an AI-fueled future

Work Life

AI is transforming the business world, and knowing how to use it will be essential for staying competitive in the labor market. A recent McKinsey report found that a third of companies are already implementing new generative-AI tools such as ChatGPT. Another survey found that employers rated knowledge of AI as the number-one skill they want future employees to have.

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Summit Funding Offices – Sacramento

Office Snapshots

As a residential mortgage lender whose mission is to change people’s lives, Summit Funding is in the business of bringing people home. The warmth and security of a homecoming is what Summit Funding wanted their team members to experience when they crossed the threshold of their new company headquarters. The owner, who sought a balance between modern and timeless design elements, called on RMW to create an inviting space for team members that would be unquestionably their own.

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These 3 tricks can help you turn challenges into motivation

Work Life

Fear of failure stifles creativity. For aspiring entrepreneurs, a fear of failure is the biggest factor that holds them back—and I can relate. When I founded my company Jotform 18 years ago, fear kept me up at night. That enormous pressure was probably the main reason why I decided to go it alone, with no co-founders or VC funding. Knowing that the success of the company was my responsibility, for better or worse, and that I could take the time to grow slowly, helped quell some of my fear

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Lingaro Group Offices – Warsaw

Office Snapshots

Since 2008, Lingaro Group has been recognized by clients and global research and consulting firms for its innovation, technology excellence and consistent delivery of superior quality data services. Being a one-stop partner for global brands and enterprises, it guides clients through the entire data journey – from strategy to development, to operations and deployment, helping them realize the full value of the data they at their disposal.

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3 tips to prevent ‘skill erosion’ from AI

Work Life

In 2009, an Air France jet crashed into the ocean, leaving no survivors. The plane’s autopilot system shut down and the pilots, having become reliant on their computerised assistant, were unable to correct the situation manually. In 2015, a bus driver in Europe typed the wrong destination into his GPS device and cheerfully took a group of Belgian tourists on a 1,200 kilometre detour in the wrong direction.

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CEOs turn to hybrid working to cut costs as suburban office footfall booms

Workplace Insight

CEOs are turning to hybrid working to bring down costs amidst the recession as new office footfall data reveals that footfall in suburban and commuter down offices is booming. A study among more than 500 UK business leaders by IWG a quarter (24 percent) have cut their business’ city centre office space in favour of more cost-effective hybrid working in local sites.

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This is the best-kept secret to productivity

Work Life

In my role as founder of Inspired Capital, I spend much of my time meeting with other people: listening to early-stage founders pitch their big ideas, catching up with fellow investors, meeting with colleagues. So many of us spend our days in a state of constant communication and information overload. I had an interaction a few weeks ago that stood out to me: My husband and I went out to dinner with another couple, and as soon as we met up, they put their phones away and made it clear that their

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Are You Management Material? Not Everyone Is…

Eat Your Career

Many professionals set their sights on management because they think it’s what they’re “supposed” to do. But truthfully, management isn’t for everyone. Some people just aren’t cut out for it, and that’s perfectly okay! There are plenty of other ways to advance your career without going into management. I speak from personal experience. My first “real job” out of college was as a management trainee at the country’s largest financial institution (at the time).

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Try these 3 influence-building exercises to forge more powerful alliances at work

Work Life

Leaders can rarely rely on authority to get things done. They must exert influence and build alliances to achieve their objectives. Political savvy is the ability to engage effectively with politics inside and outside your organization. It’s less about Machiavellian maneuvers and more about navigating complex stakeholder environments and intricate webs of relationships.

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Performance Review Examples, Comments, Phrases

Quantum Workplace

The performance review is a cornerstone of an effective performance management program. It's an opportunity to reflect, summarize, and plan for what's next. When done well, performance reviews help employees feel valued and motivated to improve.

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I Regret that I Called You

Sarah Levitt

A client said this. After asking to chat and run something by me. My response was a fit of laughter (they have a dry and really great sense of humor), and I told them that theirs was an even better comment than the client who said I made them want to vomit. Great testimonials.