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Feature Release: Check-Out Reminders!

The Receptionist

Now Available: Check-Out Reminders The Receptionist for iPad is proud to introduce a new feature to help our customers better maintain visit log accuracy and keep track of their visitors in real time: Check-Out Reminders ! Ensuring that your office’s checked-in visitors are checked out once their visit is complete can provide crucial information for your workplace, from tracking average visit times to maintaining accurate data for compliance to ensuring you have a 100-percent accurate evacuatio

Software 245
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Online Keyboarding for Kids – Back for Summer!

Office Skills

Online keyboarding for kids classes are back again this summer with even more cool lessons and features from In addition to learning how to type, kids can now learn […] The post Online Keyboarding for Kids – Back for Summer! appeared first on Office Skills Training.

Learning 245

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The Evolution of Office Management: A Vital Pillar in Modern Workplaces

The Office Management Group

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving work environments, sped-up in the wake of the pandemic and the need to focus on wellbeing and culture, the role of office management has emerged as a true linchpin in ensuring the smooth operation of businesses across all industries that have an office base. From orchestrating daily tasks to fostering a productive workplace culture, office managers play a pivotal role in driving efficiency and cohesion within organisations.

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Practical Ways To Make Global Wellness Day Meaningful At Work


Explore Global Wellness Day activities to inspire a sustainable shift towards ongoing well-being practices at work and beyond. The post Practical Ways To Make Global Wellness Day Meaningful At Work appeared first on Wellable.

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Don’t Call Me a Therapist

Mad in America

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on Mad in Norway. The author, Erik Rudi, voluntarily relinquishes the authority of being a “psychologist” and “healthcare professional.” I n no way would I be offended or angry if you use the term therapist for me. I just think that it is your expression of a misunderstood, imprecise and outdated definition of what mental health work entails.

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Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

Workplace Insight

In my line of work, it is easy to get away with not being au fait with technology. Having previously laughed off my ineptitude saying ‘there’s a reason I work with people not machines!’ I never considered I had a place in the realm of all things IT and computers. Until I discovered AI. More specifically, Deep Neural Networks. With a specialism in Neuropsychology, I was intrigued by a discipline that aimed to recreate that which we barely understand; the human brain.

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Building a Better Workplace: 15 Employee-Centric Culture Survey Questions

Vantage Circle

Your culture is your brand! This is because your people are the biggest asset of any organization. – Matt Phelan, Author of Freedom to be Happy Do you ever walk into an office and immediately feel the energy in the air? Some workplaces exude a distinct energy - maybe the lively banter, the creative decor, or simply visibly happy and smiling people.

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Employee Engagement Statistics: 25+ Critical Insights for 2024


Statistics are important, we would argue employee engagement statistics are among the most important for companies. Employee engagement in the U.S. has hit an 11-year low, with 4.8 million fewer employees engaged in Q1 2024 versus Q4 2023 ( Gallup ). That’s worrisome since employee engagement has a significant impact on business outcomes such as retention, productivity, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

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How Coworking Supports a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Launch Work Places

Updated: May 28, 2024 Work that challenges you without all the stress, mental energy for hobbies and pastimes, and a flexible schedule that offers enough time with your loved ones. That’s the dream work-life balance we all want—right? Many professionals are searching for that elusive “balance” to find happiness and fulfillment in their day-to-day lives.

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Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

Workplace Insight

A new study by Great Place To Work claims that obliging employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates and restricting their choice of work location can have negative consequences for the business. The report based on a survey of 4,400 US workers, claims to reveal a strong correlation between work location flexibility and positive employee experiences.

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Model makeover: Turning a telco into a customer-centric techco


Telcos can unlock significant value by becoming truly customer-centric enterprises, but it will take a new operating model enabled by a mindset shift and expanded capabilities.

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Why are Gen Z and millennial workers descending the corporate ladder?

Work Life

Some Gen Z and millennial workers are actively deprioritizing their career growth to pursue better work-life balance. For instance, in this viral video , TikTokker @aaronflarin explains why he’s trying to descend the corporate ladder, saying “I just think it’s better for mental health”. It’s been viewed 1.2M times, and now, TikTok is awash with similar videos of others who are doing the same.

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Privileged Access Management in Microsoft 365


As cyber threats rapidly increase, monitoring every aspect of your Microsoft 365 environment is crucial. While securing an organization, preventing unwanted access to resources is a prominent concern as we identify suspicious actions. The real challenge arises when users still retain access to sensitive resources even after completing their tasks. It’s essential to revoke this access promptly, but doing it manually can be time-consuming and impractical for larger organizations.

Mailing 89
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Smart Factoring Offices – Sofia

Office Snapshots

In the bustling world of finance, where numbers dance across screens and strategies take shape in the minds of the brilliant, Smart Factoring stands tall as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. As the company ventures into a new era of growth and success, it recognizes the pivotal role of its workspace in fostering creativity, collaboration, and comfort.

Finance 87
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Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Workplace Insight

It is thought that up to 20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent and while many companies now are more educated on the need for diversity, many still have some way to go to adapt their workplaces both culturally and physically to ensure these individuals feel they are truly supported, valued, respected and able to the excel in their role. Sadly, a recent study by Birkbeck found that 65 percent of employees with a form of neurodiversity fear discrimination at work, despite companies inc

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Six trends shaping new business models in tourism and hospitality


Tourism and hospitality companies have transformed over the past decade. Here’s a look at trends related to accommodations and experiences.

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3 survival tips for parents of ‘boomerang’ kids

Work Life

If you are a new graduate trying to move away from home and get your start in life: Sorry. For aspiring homebuyers , the United States just experienced its highest-priced April ever recorded, according to the National Association of Realtors. As for renting , that is unaffordable for half of renters, according to a study by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.

Finance 87
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Nuanced Time Management: Embracing Complexity for Productivity


We live in a world that often demands quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions. Yet acknowledging and respecting nuance in our approach to time management is like discovering a hidden treasure. It’s the recognition that not all tasks are created equal, that priorities can shift, and that flexibility is key to sustainable productivity. Embracing nuanced time management means understanding that our schedules are not always predictable, our energy levels fluctuate, and our focus ebbs and flows.

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SEPALIKA Offices – Mumbai

Office Snapshots

SEPALIKA, a Sinhalese word meaning night jasmine, a fragrant white flower with anti – fungal, anti – inflammatory and anti – viral properties. Though the office caters to a couple who run 2 different businesses from this space, the place resonates more with SEPALIKA – a fertility and wellness clinic for women. The client brief was very clear from the very beginning.

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Need a Mental Health Day? Look for These Signs


We live in a “hustle” culture where productivity is the goal. Yet it’s estimated that more than 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental health issues—struggles that can show up in a variety of different forms. Anything from negative self-talk, an eating disorder, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, depression or everyday anxiety can impact daily life.

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The way we travel now


A survey of travelers reveals disparate desires, generational divides, and a newly emerging set of traveler archetypes.

Logistics 114
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Why many U.S. companies are teaching workers English

Work Life

Last year, the so-called Great Resignation came to an end as quit rates returned to pre-pandemic levels. But this return to the status quo has not necessarily translated into a boon in retention for U.S. companies, many of which were struggling with escalating attrition long before COVID-19 shook up the workforce. One recent report found that retaining workers remains a top priority for employers, and only 28% of chief human resource officers expect their retention issues to improve anytime soon

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The Next Generation Workforce: Managing Diverse Expectations


Do you know? These are the times when you have to forget your old rules about workforce management and adopt new strategies to cater to the needs of a diverse team. You will witness fresh faces but with different expectations as this new type of workforce is a mix and match of people belonging to different generations.

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Michael Page Offices – Singapore

Office Snapshots

Michael Page, a renowned London-based recruitment firm with over 40 years of establishment, is embarking on a redesign project aimed at reducing their office space by 20% while maintaining their current location. The objective is to adapt to a new way of working and capitalize on the scenic view of the CBD skyline. The redesign project for Michael Page’s office space is driven by several key objectives aimed at optimizing the utilization of the existing space while enhancing functionality

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Vivian Tu Is Emboldening Women to Step Into Their Financial Power


The holy trifecta of Barbie, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift showed the world the power of female spending in 2023. But thanks to social media trends like “girl math,” the stereotype still persists that women are shopaholics whose approach to finances is cutesy at best and wildly ineffective at worst. This is why Vivian Tu, New York Times bestselling author of Rich AF: The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life and CEO and founder of Your Rich BFF , has her work cut out for her when it comes

Finance 81
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Gen AI’s second wave


Generative AI is here to stay. As the novelty wears off, companies must figure out how to implement the technology to create real value. Here’s how they can start.

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How to repair your reputation after you make a mistake at work

Work Life

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, though, they’re more than just awkward. Perhaps you dropped the ball on a project and caused your company to lose a client. Or maybe you sent confidential information to the wrong person. While companies hire crisis-communication experts to do damage control, you’ll need to take steps to fix your reputation. The first is to take responsibility for your actions, says Laura Crandall, author of Working With Humans: Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed for Conversatio

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MIT professor pours cold water on the prevailing hype about AI and the economy

Workplace Insight

A study by MIT economist Daron Acemoglu appears to challenge the prevailing optimism surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its economic impact. While many experts predict a future fuelled by AI-driven productivity booms and reduced inequality, Acemoglu’s research paints a more cautious picture. His findings suggest that AI’s impact on productivity and inequality may be far less dramatic than anticipated, and could even exacerbate the gap between the rich and the poor.

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Motional Offices – Pittsburgh

Office Snapshots

Motional, an autonomous vehicle company, previously operated out of three separate buildings. However, with the strategic decision to relocate to Mill 19, the aim was to centralize all 200 engineers within a single, cohesive workspace. Positioned as one of three tenants in the three-story structure, which rose under the historic steel skeleton of Mill 19, once a bustling bar mill, Motional seized the opportunity for expansion.

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Anne Mahlum Turned $175K Into More than $88 Million. Here Are Her Tips to Scale Your Business


If you learn one thing from Anne Mahlum’s eight-figure success with Solidcore, make it this: Your relationship with money could be holding back your business. If you have a scarcity mindset rather than trusting yourself to go out and make more funds when you need them, it’s going to be hard for you to scale up as an entrepreneur. Also, if you’re micromanaging your talent instead of trusting them, you’re wasting your time.

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Updating perceptions about today’s luxury traveler


Some widely held notions about luxury travelers—such as how much money they have or how old they are—could be due for reexamination.

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I cry at work—and am a better leader for it. Here’s why it’s OK to let the tears flow

Work Life

I’ve always been a crier—when I’m sad, when I’m happy, when I’m frustrated: tears. So, you can imagine my struggle as I entered corporate America. Waterworks and vulnerability aren’t exactly welcomed in the workforce. And yet as an advertising executive, first in New York, now in Los Angeles, working on some of the largest and well-known brands, there was no controlling my tears.

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People receive a phone notification every ten minutes on average

Workplace Insight

A new study by musicMagpie claims to reveal the growing incidence of phone anxiety, particularly among younger people. It highlights a constant barrage of notifications with the average person receiving a 146 notifications daily, translating to one notification every ten minutes. However, so-called Gen Zs and Millennials were found to be significantly more affected than their Gen X counterparts.

Mailing 64
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Seacom Offices – Johannesburg

Office Snapshots

The Brief: The design team developed and executed a comprehensive placemaking strategy to help navigate Seacom through the post-COVID workplace challenges their business faced. Both quantitative and qualitative data informed the brief, providing essential insights into the company’s culture and unique ways of working. The primary objective was to design a human-centric, comfortable and flexible place that could foster both planned and spontaneous interactions throughout the workday.